10+ mile walking Group
Time - 10:00
Week - First
Day - Tuesday
Group Leader(s) - Michael Hill and Debbie Brown, email: Walk10plus@charnwoodu3a.org.uk
Venue - Various
Vacancies - 12

Rocky hill and moorland typical of the Peak District

If you are interested in a u3a walk it is best to first contact our Walking Groups Coordinator at WalkingGroups@charnwoodu3a.org.uk - he can then direct you to which of our walking groups is the most appropriate.

The 10+ group usually meet at 10:00am and finish at approximately 3:30pm with a pub stop around 1:00pm. Most walks start within a 20-mile radius of Loughborough, but occasionally we go into the Peak district.

Copyright © Charnwood U3A, 2024Last Updated 2024-04-22